Patch my pc updater review
Patch my pc updater review

patch my pc updater review patch my pc updater review

You can set up a schedule to automatically download and install outdated software every day or every week. Patch My PC is what you think of when you think of a program ​updater, or what one should do. The settings you change can be exported and then imported at a different time or on a different computer so that all your custom options are always the same no matter where you use the program.It can also be used as a free program uninstaller.It can force-quit a program before updating it.The silent install feature can be disabled so that you can install updates manually like you would if you didn’t use Patch My PC.

patch my pc updater review

  • Installer files can optionally be kept even after you’ve closed the program, but the default option is to remove them after they’ve been used to update the software.
  • Beta software can also be found so long as the option to do so is enabled in the tool’s options.
  • One option can be enabled to make Patch My PC create a Restore Point before updating programs.
  • The scheduler feature can be set up to run at any time as day and as often as every day or as infrequently as every month it can run updates silently or visibly.
  • Patch My PC will find updates for over 400 programs-installable and portable alike ( complete list here), including security software plus other tools like iTunes, QuickTime, Skype, Wise Registry Cleaner, Java, 7-Zip, various web browsers, and more.
  • Updates are performed silently so you don’t need to click any buttons or go through any sort of update wizard.
  • patch my pc updater review

    Outdated programs are distinguished from updated ones by their red title, while up-to-date programs are shown in green.All software updates are done from within the Patch My PC program, which means you don’t need to look for download links or open any of the download pages in your web browser.Works on Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, and probably older versions of Windows, too.

    Patch my pc updater review